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In Need of a Divorce Attorney in Simpsonville, SC?

At the David W. Martin Law Group, our Simpsonville divorce attorneys know that when clients first contact our law firm, the fear of the unknown can be overwhelming. While most of our South Carolina clients know someone who has been divorced, the experience, changing family dynamics, and legal process are very different for everyone.

This is why our Greenville County divorce lawyers customize each of our client’s legal strategies to meet their unique current and future needs.

Getting divorced in South Carolina is very different than in other states. The more knowledge our clients have about their proceedings, and the more they understand their legal rights and options, the better equipped they are to make informed decisions about their futures.

If you are considering a divorce in South Carolina and would like to understand what it means to your future, our skilled Simpsonville divorce lawyers can help you move forward with confidence. Contact us today to learn more.

Is South Carolina an At-Fault Divorce State?

South Carolina Laws outline divorce as either fault or no-fault, before examining subcategories of contested and uncontested.

An at-fault divorce in South Carolina requires proof of marital wrongdoing by one or both spouses, which may include adultery, domestic violence, desertion for one year, or habitual drunkenness, which may involve alcohol or drug abuse.

No-fault divorces are those where neither spouse must admit or prove he or she was at fault for the marriage’s dissolution. During no-fault divorces, the spouses must live separately for one year before they can proceed with their divorce.

During this time, spouses may create separation agreements that determine the details regarding property division, spousal support, child custody, and child support matters until the divorce meets its eligibility for finalization.

At the David W. Martin Law Group, our dedicated Simpsonville divorce lawyers can help you outline the details of your unique case and pursue the best outcome proceedings.

How Does an At-Fault Divorce Change the Details of My South Carolina Case?

A South Carolina divorce caused by the fault of either spouse may impact how the court views the outcome.

This may include how the court divides the couple’s property, how alimony is awarded, and whether the actions of one party — in cases where domestic violence or alcohol or substance abuse was involved — jeopardize the safety of the children, which will impact how primary custody is determined.

No matter how your marriage came to an end, our knowledgeable family law attorneys in Simpsonville, South Carolina handle all types of cases, including:

  • Annulments.
  • Common law marriage issues.
  • Contested divorces.
  • Military divorces.
  • Modifications of prior divorce court orders.
  • No-fault and at-fault divorces.
  • Same-sex divorces.
  • Separation agreements.
  • Settlement agreements.
  • Uncontested divorces.

If you have questions about how your future will unfold during your South Carolina divorce, no matter what type of divorce you are pursuing, our skilled Simpsonville divorce attorneys can help, starting with a free case assessment.

What Happens If My South Carolina Spouse Contests Our Divorce?

At the David W. Martin Law Group, our divorce attorneys in Simpsonville know that not all divorces are simply going to flow through the legal process without a dispute. In fact, many of the important details of divorce are often contested from the start.

In some cases, this is because the spouses do not know their legal rights and options right away, which can lead to some confusion about what they are entitled to. Once we explain how our South Carolina family laws align with their objectives, some decisions become a little easier.

The first step is to attempt to work out the details of your divorce by allowing your attorney to negotiate privately with your soon-to-be-ex-spouse’s attorney. Any remaining details that may go unsolved in private must be reviewed with the goal of settling them during mandatory mediation. While spouses do not have to settle their marital disputes during mediation, they must try before a South Carolina judge will hear their case during litigation.

If you know your divorce is going to come down to disputed testimonies inside the courtroom, we can help protect your rights, and fervently fight for what is important to you.

Our experienced divorce attorney in Simpsonville is a certified family law mediator, and a skilled South Carolina litigation lawyer who will guide you through the legal system with precision, so you can move forward with your new life without further delay.

We Also Represent The Following Practice Areas:-

Contact Our Leading Divorce Attorneys in Simpsonville, South Carolina to Schedule a Consultation Today

At the David W. Martin Law Group, our experienced Simpsonville divorce attorneys focus on producing results for our clients, whether their legal journey is amicable, highly contested, or somewhere in between. Contact our skilled divorce attorneys in Simpsonville, South Carolina today by calling 803-548-2468 to learn how we can help you successfully outline your future.


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David W. Martin Law Group

108 Springs Street
Fort Mill, SC 29715-1722
(803) 548-2468

1061 Red Ventures Drive, Suite 145
Fort Mill, S.C. 29707
(803) 548-2000

910 E. North Street
Greenville, SC 29601
(803) 590-1958

324 East St. John Street, Suite F-2
Spartanburg, SC 29302
(864) 606-0053

331 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 985-9200

2411 N. Oak Street, Suite 305A, 3rd Floor,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(854) 854-5623

1240 Winnowing Way,
Suite 102 Office 1120
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
(843) 800-8165

Columbia office

1501 Main Street,
Suite 507, Columbia, SC.

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